Entries by amindaxer


“The Art of Racing in the Rain!”

I recently saw an excellent movie by the title listed above, and I must tell you – It was a wonderful and very touching story. I’d highly recommend you see it! However, I’m not going to tell you any more about the story, simply because I don’t want to spoil it for you, but do yourself a favor & go see it.

Knowing What To Do!

I was recently talking to a new Client about the areas of their business, particularly some of their Costs/cwt, that needed to be improved as we move forward. In response, he and his bookkeeper stated, “John, as a result of your help with these measurements, we know what we need to do. We’re just not sure ‘How’ to do it.”

Re-inventing Your Future!

Does the name Coco Chanel ring a bell for you? Your Mom probably used her products when you were growing up. I know my Mom did. Coco Chanel was a French entrepreneur who founded the famous fashion & perfume brand Chanel. I know – you’re probably asking – where am I going with this?

KPI’s and Your Profitability

During a recent interview I completed on Dairy Business.com with Joel Hastings, I mentioned that several Key Performance Indicators (KPI’s) on dairy operations, such as Pregnancy Rate (P/R) and Days in Milk (DIM), can provide a clear reflection of your profitability.