Imagine Trying this in the Dairy Industry…

Do you ever feel frustrated with your level of accomplishment in business or in life? I believe we all do at one time or another. You know what, though, it doesn’t have to be that way at all. According to Dr. Kathryn Cramer and Hank Wasiak, coauthors of the book, Change the Way You See Everything Through Asset-Based Thinking. They state: “People from all walks of life (professionals in business, athletics, medicine and consulting, managers, mothers, fathers, teachers, journalists, administrators) suppress their current levels of excellence and achievement just by shifting, ever so slightly, the way they see everything.” Challenges on most dairy farms seem to arise on a regular basis, don’t they? Ever think what could be possible if we just focused our attention on:

  1.   Opportunities rather than problems
  2.    Strengths more than weaknesses
  3.   What can be done instead of what can’t?

The authors suggest: “When you decrease your focus on what is wrong (deficit-based thinking) and increase your focus on what is right (asset-based thinking), you build enthusiasm and energy, strengthen relationships, and move people and productivity to the next level.”

  1. Make a list of three to five things you have accomplished in the past week or so. Make a chart of these in one column. The authors do note: “Most of us did not receive a Nobel Prize yesterday, so don’t be concerned with the magnitude of your accomplishments. List those that stand out.”
  2. Next, reflect on the personal talents, strengths, and skills you used in making those accomplishments happen. Jot those down next to each accomplishment.
  3. Take a good, long look at your notes. This is your ABT profile. What patterns do you see? Think about how you can leverage this particular positive pattern of skills, talents and strengths – today, tomorrow, and next weekend! Do this reflection on a regular basis and you will be amazed at what you discover about yourself (We all have major blind spots when it comes to our own unique assets).

Authors Cramer and Wasiak conclude by stating, “You are what you feel – A study in the August 2002 issue of ‘Mayo Clinic Proceedings’ reported that people who expect misfortune and see the negative side of life (the DBT crowd) don’t live as long as those with a more optimistic view. Asset-Based Thinkers had fewer problems in daily activities, less pain and fewer emotional problems, and increased energy.” Can we afford not to clear our minds and give “Asset-Based Thinking” a chance at your dairy farm?