A collection of blogs and other writings
from John Ellsworth
Even More Ways to Achieve Financial Success
Ask John Ellsworth of Success Strategies
John’s dairy industry service spans 25-years in strategic planning, debt restructuring, and cash flow management. John knows farm finances and what your bank expects.
Call John at 209-988-8960 or Send him an email:
Are You Adequately Covered?
As the cost of buildings on your operation continue to rise each year, you certainly wouldn’t think of not covering their replacement with adequate insurance. Yet, have you done the same thing with the primary source of revenue in your business?
Throw Me to the Wolves…
Forty years ago, many people held the same jobs for their entire career. There was job security for life… Today, job descriptions are constantly changing, we see lower levels of company loyalty, and many change careers regularly, either out necessity or a desire to seek new opportunities.
Choose Wisely!
“After an inflection point, all bets are off; the industry changes. The forces that drive that change are rarely a surprise, and the change, which appeared to be so gradual, then suddenly comes into play. And the opportunities are there for those who are ready.”
Damien McLoughlin
Hope is not a Strategy!
I suggested that this was a fabulous goal, but not a very defined strategy.
Have you Given Up or Given Your All?
While I realize that the last few months have been difficult with the onset of the Corona-Virus and the severe decrease in milk prices, I hope that you are currently regaining focus and setting new objectives for your operation.
Maximizing Your Forward Progress!
In uncertain times, we don’t always have 100% control over the outcome. However, that is no reason to not continue to push forward.