A collection of blogs and other writings
from John Ellsworth
Even More Ways to Achieve Financial Success
Ask John Ellsworth of Success Strategies
John’s dairy industry service spans 25-years in strategic planning, debt restructuring, and cash flow management. John knows farm finances and what your bank expects.
Call John at 209-988-8960 or Send him an email:
You are a Genius!
You are a Genius! Whoa! That may have been the best compliment you’ve received all day, short of that parting kiss from your spouse this morning as you were running out of the door. Let’s talk about how I know that are a Genius. You are in town, picking some items up, when suddenly you […]
Understanding Your Breakeven Levels
Understanding Your Breakeven Levels Do you know the break-even levels for your business today? If not, you may in trouble. Not because of today’s low milk prices, although those aren’t helping. The root cause of this trouble is that, without knowing these break-even levels, you are “flying blind.” You may currently have a cash flow […]
A Confession to Make…
“A Confession to Make…” How to Recognize Dairy Debt Problems Early Recently, I was talking with a Client who suddenly confessed that, at his age, he shouldn’t have as much dairy debt on his operation as he actually does. Wow, I thought, the light finally came on, after 15 years. How interesting… In actuality, it […]
What Happens When Banks Diddle?
What Happens When Banks Diddle? Why is Your Loan Taking So Long? I know this is probably going to “ruffle some feathers,” but I believe it is a question that needs to be asked… Now, I know that all banks are being subjected to a massive increase in the number of “eyes” who are reviewing […]
Are You Kidding Me?
Learning to Deal with Change