What are the qualities of a Visionary Entrepreneur? This was the leading question asked at my most recent Strategic Coach workshop. It is actually an interesting and thought-provoking question.
Some of the answers that participants offered were “the ability to see future opportunities, an ability to plan the future, and using your imagination to think about the future.” These are all great answers. The Oxford Dictionaries describes visionary as “the ability to think or plan the future with imagination or wisdom.”
As we start a new year, what ideas do you have in mind to dramatically improve your current operation? Are there areas in your current operation that should be boosted? If so, what will be required to achieve this level of improvement? Does it require an investment in people, equipment or other items? Start by listing these necessities and then consider their level of payback. Does the required investment make sense for you?
On the other hand, would you be better off designing a completely new vision for the future? In either case, you need to see it, build it and articulate it to your Team and your Lender. Their feedback and support will prove invaluable to you.
As I have stated many times before, being visionary will require you to:
- Identify what, specifically, you want to achieve.
- Develop an outline of how you can best accomplish the desired result.
- Recognize the potential challenges you will face, and yes, there will be some.
- Formulate your strategy to overcome these challenges.
- Move forward with the first step and develop a system to track your progress.
- Adjust your course, as needed.
All of us are visionary, to some extent. The key to your success is developing your ideas, maintaining a system to measure your results and then adjusting your course as new challenges arise.
What is the Next Step for you? Please let me know if I can help you. You can reach me at john@success-strategies.com, and consider the following advice:
“The only limit to our realization of tomorrow will be our doubts of today.”
Franklin D. Roosevelt
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