Whenever you stay in business for a long time, the day will arrive when you must consider, for many potentially different reasons, whether you wish to stay in the business or leave.
Many agricultural producers are in this situation today. It could be due to their advancing age, a recent lack of profitability, health concerns, high interest rates or a combination of these variables. The lack of available credit from banks is also putting pressure on producers, as most lenders continue to seek the perfect business to lend money to.
If you are faced with this situation, here is what you should do. Literally, get away and THINK. Your next step is a big decision, so you want to make sure you make a wise, well-informed choice. Despite what your first boss told you when you were 15 years old, it really is not a crime to get away and think…
Consider what you would do: 1.) If money was not a limiting factor. 2.) If you could operate your “dream business.” 3.) If you had all the financing and Family support you desired. Then consider if you possess the health, stamina and desire to move forward with your plan. Saying “Yes” or saying “No” are both acceptable answers. Just be certain that saying “No” isn’t just because you were scared to do so.
In the movie “The Art of Racing in the Rain,” the main character was hesitant to enter a car race, and his driving coach stated: “There is no shame in competing and then losing the race. There is only shame in not entering the race because you were afraid you might lose.” That is excellent advice for all of us.
One final point in considering whether you should stay in your current operation is to look at the tax implications with your Accountant or Tax Adviser. Please do not execute your plan without considering the tax implications, especially if you decide to completely exit your industry. Is it better to go now or after December 31st?
Once you know these implications, you can refine your plan for success. Additionally, if you continue your business, consider this thought. If you knew you could not fail, what is the next action you would take? Recognize that there will be obstacles. That’s why so few people run their own businesses. Overcoming hurdles is not something they want to deal with.
Be sure to set some deadlines for action and move forward. Today is an excellent time to establish your plan for the new year!
What is the Next Step for you? Please let me know if I can help you. You can reach me at john@success-strategies.com, and consider the following advice:
“Let our advance worrying become advance thinking and planning.”
Winston Churchill
Let’s take your business to the Next Level!