A collection of blogs and other writings
from John Ellsworth
Even More Ways to Achieve Financial Success
Ask John Ellsworth of Success Strategies
John’s dairy industry service spans 25-years in strategic planning, debt restructuring, and cash flow management. John knows farm finances and what your bank expects.
Call John at 209-988-8960 or Send him an email:
Are You Really Prepared?
Following the dismal prices of the last three years, especially in the dairy industry, I am certain that if I asked anyone if they were prepared to receive higher prices, they would respond by saying, “Of course, I am. Are you kidding me?” Yet, I would ask, once again, are you truly prepared? Are you 100% ready?
What’s the Difference?
I’d like you to think about two words and compare what they can mean to you as you move forward in your business and life.
Building Your Business Confidence
I am sure you’ve heard the age old advice: “Be careful what you ask for. You just might get it.” With that in mind, let’s shift our focus to a much more proactive approach, because these negative questions can, indeed, take you to some very disappointing and depressing results.
The More it Changes, the More It Stays the Same…
While there are many profitability variables to contend with, and this research does not suggest that ignoring one of the lower correlated variables would ever be a good idea, the top three are all ones that I have had the opportunity to deal with in each and every financial turn-around situation.
In Defense of the “Mean” Vendor
I am not making light of the fact that the dairy industry has had a tough 2015-2017, or, for that matter, that all industries have their moments when cash flow is tight. However, the vendors that he was referring to had been extending him as much credit as they possibly could these past 27 months. However, they were running into two big issues.
Changing the Way We Look at Business
The difference between a person who is vitally engaged in life and someone who is merely going through the motions is a vision fueled by passion. So, how do we get there? How do we increase our passion levels for the dairy business, given the “pain” inflicted these past two years?