When We Return to “Normal” Again…

As I write this blog, there is still a great deal of uncertainty in our industry and, frankly, in the entire world economy. I’m sure that, as you read this, you, like me, are ready to get back to “normal.”

Will that actually happen? Maybe, but I’m not sure that any of us knows with any degree of certainty. With that in mind, please allow me to suggest a new way of thinking about this future challenge.

In a recent presentation by my Business Coach Dan Sullivan, President & Founder of the Strategic Coach organization, he asked listeners to answer this same question. Dan then explained, in his positive manner of challenging our thinking, that it was probably unlikely that we would return to the “old normal.”

In fact, he went on to ask, “Why would you want to return to the old normal?” Why not head directly to a “New Normal,” one that is superior to the old one? In essence, why not make your “New Normal” far better than your “Old Normal?”

To achieve that, he suggested that there are two questions that must be answered, and I have been challenging my Clients to start thinking about these:

  1. In the “New Normal,” what do you want to see happen? What items do you want to see changed from the old normal? What has to get better? What improvements do you want to see in your business? What are you fatigued with & thus needing to change?
  2. After you have identified what you want to see happen that is new, different & improved in your future “New Normal,” what steps do you need to take to ensure that you can achieve these new outcomes? As you outline these steps, please try to be specific, establish some deadlines (more on this in my next blog), determine how you can measure your progress, and specifically how you can build upon this objective as you move forward.

Once you have started this process, you will be well on your way to greater levels of success, because I believe that simply overcoming the inertia of our current situation is the key to a brighter future!

I wish you the best of success in that endeavor, and if I can assist you in any way, please let me know at john@success-strategies.com or 209-988-8960.

 “An intelligent plan is the first step to success. The man who plans knows where he is going, knows what progress he is making, and has a pretty good idea when he will arrive.”

                                                                                    Basil S. Walsh