The last few years have been fairly challenging in terms of inflation, the resulting higher interest rates, considerably higher operating costs and only average revenue streams to offset these higher expenses. It’s been a classic “Cash Flow Squeeze.” I imagine that the sales of Rolaids are higher as a result…
While this has been challenging, we need to set a course of action that will be beneficial to you and your business. As prices received start to rebound and some costs begin to decrease, it’s crucial that we put a plan in place. Here are five suggestions:
- Talk with your vendors about price relief or better payment terms. Remember, they only thrive if you survive. Customers going out of business are of no help to any vendor. Their policies, while they may seem tough, were put in place because of customers who went broke &, hence, left the vendor unpaid. The same policies were not necessarily set up for you, so communicate with your supplier.
- Build your banking relationship through better reporting, closer monitoring of your cash flows and then communicating with your loan officer, rather than surprising them with unwelcome news at the last moment.
- Diversify your operations when it makes sense. I know, someone is going to say that they diversified their operation by adding almond & walnut orchards to their dairy, and now they are all hurting. However, you must admit that this scenario is rather unusual. They will bounce back. Methane production may fit your dairy facility, positioning you to take advantage of the growing demand for energy.
- Is expansion the answer? Greater efficiencies and economies of scale can be positive factors as your industry rebounds.
- Are you following the advice of your CPA, your Attorney or other Consultants you use? Why pay for their advice and then do nothing? I believe that is the definition of insanity – doing nothing and then expecting different results.
This brief list provides you with several ways to find financial relief for your business. What is the Next Step for you? Please let me know if I can assist you. You can reach me at, and consider the following advice:
“Everyone who got where he is had to begin where he was.”
Richard L. Evans
Let’s take your business to the Next Level!