Entries by amindaxer

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Building a World Class Team! – Part A

At a Leadership Conference at Duke University, I heard a keynote address given by Duke’s head basketball coach Mike Krzyzewski entitled “Building a World Class Team.” His message centered around his experiences during 2005-2008 developing the USA Basketball Team that competed in the 2008 Summer Olympics in Beijing, China. He also outlined what he felt are the primary keys to positive leadership and sound teamwork.

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The Virtues of Speed

To survive and thrive, we need to move faster, act more decisively, and respond more courageously. There has never been a better time to increase our efficiencies. Just because you have always done something in your operation, such as raising your heifers on site, does not mean it makes the best sense today.

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The Search for Meaning

In the recent financial turmoil surrounding us, it’s often difficult to find meaning – in effect, to make sense of things that are occurring every day. Victor Frankl was a survivor of the Auschwitz Concentration Camp in Nazi Germany. Many entered Auschwitz; few survived. Victor Frankl in his book entitled Man’s Search for Meaning explained […]


Newsletter Q4

The Business Confidence Maximizer™ Online Newsletter Have you ever heard about someone who claims that his bank or a supplier told him that if he only did one item, they would then be able to provide him with a certain type of financing arrangement? Sure, we all have. Often, I hear people state that their […]


Developing a Strategy for Success

As we have proceeded through the year 2009 in what has proven to be a genuine “management test” for most dairy operators, the question I am asked most often are, “How can we do a better job of running our business? What is the secret to stronger returns in a milk market like the current […]