Do you ever wonder when your next “Win” will be coming your way? I know I often asked that question earlier in my career. It has been said that we normally find what we are looking for in life, so allow me to provide you with a better approach.
Several years ago, my Business Coach Dan Sullivan of the Strategic Coach organization offered an excellent idea for everyday use. It’s called the WinStreak®, and it’s available as a free app that you can download on your phone.
It provides a simple, but powerful, way to accumulate more “wins” in your business and life. At the end of each day, you list your three greatest accomplishments for the day. It will also ask you to list the three largest objectives you intend to accomplish tomorrow.
The payoff is that instead of dwelling on the tasks you didn’t do or the items that you didn’t complete, it helps you to focus on what you have done, as well as what plan to focus on tomorrow. I’ve been doing this for at least three years, and it has helped me focus on what really matters.
We all are inundated with negative information every day. I have found that this App helps you to focus on “Wins.” Former Notre Dame football coach Lou Holtz explains that the WIN is really an acronym that stands for “What’s Important Now.” Rather than being barraged with negatives, this tool helps you to focus on the positives.
One process that I add to the use of this WinStreak® App is to answer three questions for myself:
- Did I accomplish my objectives? If not, should this become one of my three goals for tomorrow?
- Did I do my best? Motivational Speaker Les Brown stated that, “All you can do is all you can do, and all you can do is enough!”
- How can I make tomorrow even better? This clearly fits with the “Tomorrow” section of the WinStreak® App.
In a world where we are constantly hit with negative items, I hope you find this article helpful in your business. As Lou Holtz suggested, let’s maintain our focus on “What’s Important Now!”Want to learn more? I’d like to invite you to join me for our upcoming Next Level Thinking™ workshops later this year, within which, I’ll continue to focus on the benefits of this type of proactive thinking. We’ll be doing portions of this process through Zoom Group Sessions, with monthly follow-up calls on an individual basis.
Let’s take your business to the Next Level!