Developing the Genius in You!

Developing the Genius in You!

In my last blog, I discussed being ingenious about how you approach your life and work and how we all we a touch of genius. If you didn’t get a chance to read it, please do yourself a favor and go check it out before you read any further. Trust me. This blog will prove to be more beneficial to you if you’ve read the prior one.

Since we have now established that every one of us has a touch of “Genius” built into our brains, let’s talk about how to use this to our advantage. As you work to achieve your goals and objectives for the year, as well as overcome new challenges in your business, it is imperative that we monitor our results. Some people call this “keeping score.”

Whatever you want to call it, it becomes a crucial step to your success for two reasons:

  • It the one & only way you will know if you are making progress toward your objectives. Without doing this measurement process, you will not have a very clear idea of where you are on reaching the milestones you want to hit.
  • Additionally, this will help to keep you motivated and moving forward. Now, I know some of you are probably saying, “Yeah, but I won’t be very motivated if I’m falling short…” My thought on that topic is that you then need to adjust your course & fine tune your plan. Your Team, with whom you should be sharing these particular “Goals and Results,” should also then be more motivated to want to help you hit the target. Most of them will be. If not, find a replacement ASAP.


On any objective, I feel the following steps are crucial! This concept comes from Dan Sullivan, founder of the Strategic Coach organization. He said:

  • If you can measure it, you can understand it.
  • If you can understand it, you can control it.
  • If you can control it, you can then improve it.


The point is that if you wish to reach a specific objective in your business or life, you have to figure out how to measure it, i.e. track your results. Once you do so, your understanding of how it functions will increase. Then, when you understand this, you can determine how to control it. Finally, if you gain control over it, you and your Team will then know how to improve it, which will lead to a greater mastery of the process.

I suggest you use this process with any item in your business that is worthy of achieving. This is true of your Revenue generated, your control over Costs, your Labor Efficiency & many other items. If you take the time to measure these items and then make comparisons with industry standards, as well as how you’ve done in past years, you will get a clearer picture of whether you are moving forward or not.

If you need some assistance with this task, e-mail me at or check out our website for many useful tools for your ongoing business evaluation at

If you would like to learn more about similar topics and the tactics our Clients have used to improve their outcomes, as well as what applications of these lessons you can make in your business, please join us for our next Success Strategies Mastermind Group series of quarterly workshops in July 2019. They are designed to teach more people the Finance & Strategy Concepts that I offer business people. Signups have begun, giving you the opportunity to learn these same concepts and meet with other producers who have overcome some of the same challenges you may be facing. Check them out at:

I wish you the best of success this year!