Living on “Someday I’ll…”
You may recall the comedian Gilda Radner and her now famous quote: “When I was young, I always said I wanted to be someone. Now that I’m older, I just wish I’d been more specific.”
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But we are proud to say that jellsworth contributed 177 entries already.
You may recall the comedian Gilda Radner and her now famous quote: “When I was young, I always said I wanted to be someone. Now that I’m older, I just wish I’d been more specific.”
Have you started to automate your business yet? Before you say “No,” consider some positive areas that you’re probably not thinking about.
In a moment, I will explain the title of this Next Level Thinking blog, but I wanted to start by sharing with you the thoughts of a business leader, whose work I recently read about on LinkedIn.
I wanted to share with you an excerpt of an article written by marketing expert Seth Godin
Following the dismal prices of the last three years, especially in the dairy industry, I am certain that if I asked anyone if they were prepared to receive higher prices, they would respond by saying, “Of course, I am. Are you kidding me?” Yet, I would ask, once again, are you truly prepared? Are you 100% ready?
I’d like you to think about two words and compare what they can mean to you as you move forward in your business and life.
I am sure you’ve heard the age old advice: “Be careful what you ask for. You just might get it.” With that in mind, let’s shift our focus to a much more proactive approach, because these negative questions can, indeed, take you to some very disappointing and depressing results.
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