Entries by jellsworth

Where Does This End?

We are currently facing some real financial challenges in our country and, more specifically, in the dairy industry… It seems as if many economic events are completely out of control.

What If Stuff Happens?

Grant Cardone stated in his book The 10X Rule, “I suggest that you become obsessed about the things you want; otherwise, you are going to spend a lifetime being obsessed with making up excuses as to why you didn’t get the life you wanted.”

Have You Built Your Gameplan Yet?

It’s the start of a new year, and we all get to start with a blank slate. Effectively, the score is 0-0. Regardless of what last year brought, the most important question is “What will you do this year?”

Where Do We Go from Here?

After measuring Cash Flow Results for my clients for almost 18 years, we have noted that all costs are higher, but their Revenues are also higher, providing them with almost identical Operating Margin per cwt. How could this have happened?