The January 31, 2020 issue of the Daily Dairy Report, which I highly recommend, was entitled “Heifer Supplies Shrink.” Essentially, the report told us that during the past 10 years dairymen in the U.S. have culled heavily and still were able to expand the milk cow herd. How was that possible? It was due to the large heifer numbers in the U.S. dairy herd. Producers have been carrying a large inventory of heifers because they may have been expanding and, for some, it seemed to serve as a security blanket.

I often hear, “Well, I need these extra animals because, if I ever need cash, I can always sell them to raise some capital.” I’d suggest that worked out OK when you could raise them for $1,200 and sell them for $1,500-1,800. However, when it costs $1,300 to raise them to two years, and they only sell for $1,200 or less, that doesn’t work so well… You certainly can’t “make it up on volume.” In fact, if we hadn’t been spending money feeding these excess heifers, maybe our cash position would have been improved.

I am often asked by producers, “How many heifers should I keep in my herd?” My answer is normally, “It all depends.”

Depends on what, you might ask. Great question. It absolutely depends upon what your business objectives are. Are you expanding your operation, perhaps in an effort to fill your current facility & maximize its efficiencies? Is your son or daughter home from college & you’re planning to increase the size of your operation to accommodate two families?

If your annual Cull Rate is 40% and you are freshening your first lactation animals at 24 months or less, why would you need more than 80% heifers to cows? “Oh, I need a cushion against possible heifer losses because we’ve had some big ones in the past” is one statement I’ve heard. Perhaps you would better served if we figured out what was causing these severe death losses. If you are having this concern, then keep 90% heifers to cows, but most importantly, correct the facility problems or whatever is causing the deaths. In any event, you shouldn’t need 100% or more heifers to cows.

There are only two real reasons I can think of to have extra heifers, particularly with the advent of sexed semen and other reproductive technology & advances. One would be if you are expanding your operation, as outlined above. However, during the last three years, you could have probably bought them cheaper. The second sound reason would be if you are running a consistent ongoing program of selling springers or fresh two-year olds every month (i.e. not 20 head every three years…).

So, what should you do? Go through the same process I suggest with all business challenges. Review your current situation in comparison with your business objectives. Ask yourself what needs to change & outline potential steps to take. Finally, move forward and implement your plan.

Future success in our industry, as with any business, will go to the players who seek the best outcomes by fine-tuning their operations. What action(s) do you need to undertake this week?What will you do differently, going forward?

I invite you to sign up for our new Success Strategies Business Navigator Program. If you are open to learning new concepts and discussing them with other producers, you should take a look at this new program that will start soon. It’s completely online, freeing you from travel but offering you an opportunity to learn from industry experts in the areas of milk marketing, management, financial analysis & banking/finance. For the value of the milk production of one 85 lb cow for a month, you can enroll in this quarterly workshop program for one year. What have you got to lose? Check out our “Free Preview Class” at:

You won’t regret it. I wish you the very best for a success-filled year!

As you may recall from my last blog, I suggested that this year will present some solid opportunities for you to succeed. Yet, several years ago, I had a conversation with a producer who said, “Gee, I was going to call you, but I wasn’t sure you could help me.”

Wow, I thought, what harm would there be in asking for assistance? He was truly in a jam, financially speaking, and maybe selling would be his best option. However, wouldn’t it make more sense to check out all his options first? Why not give it a try and make some genuine operational changes?

You know what – two years later, he is making some very nice profits. You might say, of course he is. That’s because milk prices have gotten better. I would agree that higher milk prices have helped, but there were a lot of other changes he made to get to a level of solid profitability. Here are the steps he took, which might be worthy of your consideration if you are having some challenges:

  1. If you are lost, normally the best thing to do is to ask for directions. Talk to someone who knows and can guide you onto a path for success.
  2. He, like so many of my Clients, is fatigued with hearing me talk about how we need to watch expenses. I’m not advocating a massive cost cutting process, especially if it impairs your herd’s performance in any way, but we already have solid industry standards to compare our performance against. If the industry is averaging $0.65/cwt on Supplies, and your cost is $1.00/cwt, we need to look under the hood and see what is going on… Remember that you can also dilute any cost per cwt by making more milk per cow. That’s not “Cost Cutting.” That’s just enhancing performance, the by-product of which is a lower cost/cwt!
  3. Are there some items that you spend money on that really aren’t needed? Ask yourself: Is this item really necessary? Does it pay for itself somehow through improved milk production or by reducing some other expense? Think about it.
  4. Bring your “A-Game!” In one of the first Jason Bourne movies, I recall the line where he was told, “This is not a drill soldier.” Likewise, this is not a scrimmage for you and your Team either. This is the real deal, so bring your best game. As the “Big Dog” clothing line ads used to say, “Attitude is everything.” Better production per cow, more cows per hour through the barn and greater labor efficiencies are the name of the game. It was tough enough to cash flow with $10 per hour labor. Greater efficiency is the only answer when this is changing to $15.
  5. Need some fresh ideas? Charlie “Tremendous” Jones once said that your results will only be as good as the books you read and the people you meet. I believe that this has been true for me, and would challenge you to seek new answers when you are feeling challenged in your business. Perhaps the following paragraph will provide you with a low-cost option to assist you.

I’d like to invite you to sign up for our new Success Strategies Business Navigator Program. If you are open to learning new concepts and discussing them with other producers, you should take a look at this new program that will start soon. It’s completely online, freeing you from travel but offering you an opportunity to learn from industry experts in the areas of milk marketing, management, financial analysis & banking/finance. For the value of the milk production of one 85 lb cow for a month, you can enroll in this quarterly workshop program for one year. What have you got to lose? Check it out at:

You won’t regret it. I wish you the very best for a success-filled year!

As you may recall from my last blog, I suggested that this year will present some solid opportunities for you to succeed. However, this will require high levels of Ambition, strong daily Actions, and a positive Attitude toward the struggles (or jerks) that we may face!

Now that we have that outline reviewed, how do we get to the next level? That is an excellent question and one that I have been discussing with several of my Clients in the recent past. You may recall that one of the “Six Musts for 2020” that Brendon Burchard shared with us was to “Commit to Mastery!” What would that entail in the dairy industry? Here are a few examples I’ve been discussing with Clients:

  1. Are we as efficient as we can be in our current facility? Now, I am not suggesting that you go build a new milk barn at $4 million. However, are there less costly items that we should take a look at? For example, if the Double-16 Parallel Milk Barn is limiting your cows milked per hour, do you have room for another 4 or 8 stalls? If you can add these stalls, what will it cost? Can we finance it successfully? Will it allow us to milk 100 more cows or eliminate our overtime labor in the barn? These are all considerations that should be reviewed. Maybe it won’t make financial sense, but the analysis of this item may lead you to discover other changes you can make, all with your improved success in mind.
  2. Are we keeping too many heifers in our herd inventory? For some producers, these are a “security blanket.” You’ve heard them say: “Hey, I can always sell these extra animals if I need some cash…” Yes, but given the cost of feeding animals, the labor required to manage them and the ability to currently buy them for the same or possibly less than you can grow them, does it make sense? Perhaps not. This is precisely why we should look at this.
  3. Is our Labor as efficient as it can be in your operation? I understand that the labor supply has been tight, but I’m not asking you to add more employees. On the contrary, I’m suggesting that you look at ways to make your current force as efficient as possible. Are there items we can automate, streamline or alter our approach on? I’m only suggesting that you take a look at these items. You may not need to change anything.

Future success in our industry, as with any business, will go to the players who seek the best outcomes by fine-tuning their operations. What action(s) do you need to undertake this week?What will you do differently, going forward?

I invite you to sign up for our new Success Strategies Business Navigator Program. If you are open to learning new concepts and discussing them with other producers, you should take a look at this new program that will start early next year. It’s completely online, freeing you from travel but offering you an opportunity to learn from industry experts in the areas of milk marketing, management, financial analysis & banking/finance. For the value of the milk production of one 85 lb cow for a month, you can enroll in this quarterly workshop program for one year. What have you got to lose? Check it out at:

You won’t regret it. I wish you the very best for a success-filled year!

As we enter a new year and, in fact, a new decade, it’s crucial that we get off to a great start. The last 10 years in the dairy industry have had their share of “highs” and “lows.” Yet, the last 12 months represented a year in which we saw more positive results, and this year is looking brighter, too.

Having said that, what do we need to do to start off on a positive note? I recently listened to an excellent presentation by Brendon Burchard entitled “How to Achieve a Happier 2020.” As always, his presentation was excellent. Here are his three major factors that will determine your success this year, along with items he called “Musts for 2020!”

Brendon’s three major factors that will determine your success this year:

  1. Your Ambition – You must have a positive drive to achieve your best levels of success. Don’t tie this in to your past. You cannot change the past, but you can set higher levels of ambition for the future!
  2. Your Action (Daily) – He used the example of someone wanting to write a best seller this year. Are you writing every day? If you want to be more profitable this year, are you doing everything can to insure you are profitable, e.g. monitoring your Revenue & Expenses every month, not just once per year? Does your Team know what you want to accomplish this year? None of us are mind readers, so take the time to show them your objectives and take some time to discuss these items with them.
  3. Your Attitude – This is especially significant when we are faced with struggles. This should be a better year, but I assure you, it will not be without some challenges. Obstacles will surface at some point. They do for all of us, so maintain a positive attitude. Ask yourself: “Is this the best I have to give?” As motivation speaker Zig Ziglar used to point out, “Your Attitude often determines your Altitude!”

Here are Brendon’s “Musts for 2020:”

  • Reclaim Your Life’s Agenda. Forget the expectations of others, wrong turns and people who don’t appreciate you. Take responsibility; Take back command of your outcome.
  • Judge less, Feel better. Forget judging yourself over prior outcomes. Did you do the very best of which you are/were capable?
  • Prioritize your Energy. Keep your energy levels at their highest possible level, and make 2020 your best year ever!
  • Be a positive Role Model. This applies to being proactive & being a great role model for your Family, for your Employees and for Yourself.
  • Track Your Goals & Integrate Wins. Look at this each & every week. Celebrate the Wins!
  • Commit yourself to Mastery! Ask, “What would it take to make us excellent in _____________?” When you can answer this, you know you’ll be on track…

I hope you find this information helpful. This is crucial information for you to have a firm grasp on. If I can assist you, please let me know. Additionally, as you think about how to overcome business challenges, ask what actions you must undertake!What will you do differently, going forward?

Here’s a suggestion for you. Sign up for our new Success Strategies Business Navigator Program. If you are open to learning new concepts and discussing them with other producers, you should take a look at this new program that will start early next year. It’s completely online, freeing you from travel but offering you an opportunity to learn from industry experts in the areas of milk marketing, management, financial analysis & banking/finance. For the value of the milk production of one 85 lb cow for a month, you can enroll in this quarterly workshop program for one year. What have you got to lose? Check it out at:

You won’t regret it. I wish you the very best for a success-filled year!

Following my last article, I was asked by several producers what they could use as a measuring device for reaching their objective of achieving greater profitability. After reminding them about what my Business Coach Dan Sullivan stated, “All progress begins with telling the truth,” I added that they absolutely have to know their Break-Even levels. Break-Evens, as they are called, represent the levels of milk production, cost/cwt or milk price per cwt that must be achieved to at least break even, or, in other words, not lose money…

This is fairly straightforward, but some people have a challenge with this concept. More definitively, your Break-Even Cost per cwt, is the level of costs that will keep you from losing money, based upon the current level of milk production you are achieving and upon the current milk prices you are receiving.

This is relatively easy to calculate. You take your current costs for a given time period and divide those by the number of hundred-weights of milk you are producing in the same time period. For example, if you are producing 10,000 cwts and your costs to do so are $155,000, your costs per cwt are $15.50. However, if you are losing $5,000 during the same time period, your loss per cwt is $0.50, meaning you need a $16.00/cwt milk price to “Break Even.”

Why is this important to know?

  1. Your bank will not finance continued losses. Ask anyone who has tried this during the past four years. It doesn’t work anymore to just “bank on the future…”
  2. You need to know your Break-Even Cost of Production, just so you understand what the impact might be of any costs changing. Need an example? If your feed costs will be increasing next year (your Nutritionist should be able to project this, based upon your contracts), you will be able to clearly see what its impact will be.
  3. What if interest rates increase in the future? You can only run various “What If” scenarios if you know what your current costs & break-even levels actually are.
  4. Finally, knowing your Break-Even levels will allow you to plan for future changes. Can you milk 50 more cows with your current labor force and your current Fixed Costs? If so, this will definitely change your Break-Even levels.

In all of these examples, this is powerful information for you to have a firm grasp on. If I can assist with this calculation, please let me know. Additionally, as you think about how to overcome this business challenge, ask what action you need to undertake this week!What will you do differently, going forward?

Here’s a suggestion for you. Sign up for our new Success Strategies Business Navigator Program. If you are open to learning new concepts and discussing them with other producers, you should take a look at this new program that will start in early 2020. It’s completely online, freeing you from travel but offering you an opportunity to learn from industry experts in the areas of milk marketing, management, financial analysis & banking/finance. For the value of the milk production of one 85 lb cow for a month, you can enroll in this quarterly workshop program for one year. What have you got to lose? Check it out at:

You won’t regret it. I wish you the very best for a success-filled year!

I was recently reminded of an old episode in the Star Wars movie entitled The Empire Strikes Back, where the famous character Yoda encourages young Luke Skywalker to use his mind to accomplish a task at hand. The task, no easy feat, is to retrieve his disabled spaceship out of a remote bog where it has sunk, but only by using his mind…

Do you remember their verbal exchange? Young Luke, thinking this task was nearly impossible, agrees to give it a “try.” Yoda, in the quote he is famous for, states, “No. Try not. Do. Or do not. There is no try.” In case you need a refresher, here’s the link:

Are you facing some similar challenges in your business? I’ve recently completed two Client refinances, both of which took a long time. In spite of being profitable, their lenders just were just not willing to stretch in the way that we needed them to go. After their refinancing, one of these Clients is now working on their third straight year of being profitable, and the other one is working on year number two of profitability.

What has been the secret with these folks? Yes, their prices have improved, but more importantly, they didn’t just decide to try. They established guidelines that said they were not going to fail. They would do whatever it took to get profitable again. They turned over every stone to determine what needed to be changed!

Just in case you are wondering, please understand that there is a real problem with saying you will “try to do something.” The issue is that when we say we will try, we don’t actually have to commit to doing anything substantial. I’ve witnessed this phenomenon many times in the past. Essentially, it gives us an excuse for not accomplishing the task at hand. Trying is not the same as doing something!

Here are some recommendations:

  1. Forget trying. As the famous Nike commercial states: “Just do it!” Push forward and don’t take NO for an answer.
  2. Realize that it’s been done before. I’ve seen Clients get their Accounts Payable caught up before, by cutting their overall costs of production by more than $2.00 per cwt.
  3. As my Business Coach Dan Sullivan says, “All progress begins with telling the truth.” Recognize what your current position is, use that as a starting point, establish what must change, and then measure what your results actually are.
  4. Stay committed to the process. In the Client examples stated above, some people said I was crazy and cited examples of where this type of thinking didn’t work. However, I know that sometimes you just have to tune out the “noise,” and simply get it done!
  5. Maintain no “Sacred Cows.” Regardless of who is selling you something, take a close look at that product or service. You can’t help that person’s sales, if you go broke. Purchase only what you need and what you can afford within the limits of your Break-Even levels. It’s the only way you can succeed.

As you think about how to overcome your business challenges, ask what action you need to undertake this week!What will you do differently, going forward? Think about it.

Here’s a suggestion for you. Sign up for our new Success Strategies Business Navigator Program. If you are open to learning new concepts and discussing them with other producers, you should take a look at this new program that will start early next year. It’s completely online, freeing you from travel but offering you an opportunity to learn from industry experts in the areas of milk marketing, management, financial analysis & banking/finance. For the value of the milk production of one 85 lb cow for a month, you can enroll in this quarterly workshop program for one year. What have you got to lose? Check it out at:

You won’t regret it. I wish you the very best for a success-filled year!

I was recently reading a review of the comments offered by U.S. Agriculture Secretary Sonny Perdue while he was visiting World Dairy Expo in Madison, Wisconsin. I wasn’t there, so I am not defending his commentary, nor am I saying he is totally right or wrong. However, I believe that his speaking points hit on some relevant thoughts.

This is an old expression that I’m sure you’ve heard people express many times. You know what? It’s true. Recently, however, I’ve been surprised to hear some bankers and vendors to the dairy industry exclaim their surprise by stating that they cannot understand why producers aren’t catching up more quickly on old Accounts Payable.

I recently saw an excellent movie by the title listed above, and I must tell you – It was a wonderful and very touching story. I’d highly recommend you see it! However, I’m not going to tell you any more about the story, simply because I don’t want to spoil it for you, but do yourself a favor & go see it.

I was recently talking to a new Client about the areas of their business, particularly some of their Costs/cwt, that needed to be improved as we move forward. In response, he and his bookkeeper stated, “John, as a result of your help with these measurements, we know what we need to do. We’re just not sure ‘How’ to do it.”