Entries by jellsworth

Are You Focused on Winning?

Do you ever wonder when your next “Win” will be coming your way? I know I often asked that question earlier in my career. It has been said that we normally find what we are looking for in life, so allow me to provide you with a better approach.

Have You Ever Considered Firing Yourself?

Each of these individuals had been fired at some point in their careers, but they also were able to “bounce back” and take their leadership roles to new levels. While I’m fairly certain that none of them had immediate financial concerns, I think it’s important that we zero in on what else they had in common with us, in the event that the same thing ever happened to us.

Could This Be the Answer for You?

I’m sure you are familiar with the S-Curve concept that describes the development of a product, or for that matter, just about anything. You know – first the product is introduced, it develops slowly, and then suddenly (if it has merit) it takes off in an upward trajectory until it is eventually replaced with a better product & it fades into obscurity.

If I Ran the Circus, Guess What?

I thought it might be appropriate to offer the following summary of how I would make everything work if, as Dr. Seuss stated, “I Ran the Circus!”
Regardless of your industry, I’d pull for the following outcomes…

When Will You Go Upstream?

So often, we get caught up in the throes of responding to various crises in our business. You know, feeling like you are always “on call,” just waiting to put out the next fire… So, why do we act in this manner?

Unnecessary Roughness?

What? Problem loan customers don’t show profits for two years in a row, reduce their Accounts Payable by over $200,000 and also service their debt structure as agreed…

What Just Happened?

I wanted to share a copy of Seth Godin’s article with you, simply because I believe it has a fantastic message, one that could serve as a sound directive to get our country and hopefully keep your business on track in so many ways.